Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sadie and Mark--Adam and Eve Contemporary Dance those of you who know me KNOW that I love my Duck Dynasty.
Some of you may or may not know of Sadie Robertson. She is the daughter of the CEO of Duck Commander, and she is one of the stars of Duck Dynasty. She is awesome. She is gorgeous, funny, and is now on this season of Dancing With The Stars.
Those of you who know me also know that I am not shy about my faith. I am a follower of God, and my love for Jesus Christ is stronger than anything that I have love for in this world. That being said, I was so proud of Sadie for choosing a biblical theme for her dance this week on DWTS. Not only did this dance, and interpretation of "The Garden of Eden" give me goosebumps, but this girl has made a vow to keep her dancing classy, and tasteful during this show--something a lot of 17 year olds would not do these days.
This was brilliant. It made me look at this story like I have never before. It also made me reflect on the fall of man, and the intensity/impact thereof.
Love. Love. Love.

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