Saturday, April 17, 2010

Um...there seems to be a Wookie on my teeth...

I have a few lifelines at work. One of them occurs during the 5 second break I have after all of my morning shift assessments and medication administrations--the moment that I head to the nourishment room, grab little containers of peanut butter and a handful of graham crackers, and sit down at the computer to chart my assessments while chomping away ( this time it's 11:00 a.m. and I've been up since 4:30...I'm hungerized!). Another lifeline is my big honkin' mug I bring to drink ice water out of all day. I love my mug. I got it when I was going through my senior integrated practicum in labor and delivery over at Littleton Hospital. It says on the mug, "Littleton Loves Little Ones". I set this at my desk daily and find it hysterical that it's from a rival hospital corporation--but then again, I'm fairly easily entertained. Third...and super important--my addiction to my lifeline JOLLY RANCHERS. I go through a ton of them at work. I LOVE THEM. However, have you ever noticed when you eat sugary snacks that all of the fuzzy leftover weirdness just hangs out on your teeth? Or maybe it's just me--however, I feel like I'm walking around with a Wookie on my teeth all day. I NEED TO SHAVE MY TEETH! I don't think they make tooth razors though so OH WELL! I am nurse Whitney and me and my Wookie mouth will be here to take care of you all day. Good news is...I smell fruity! Well, fuzzy and fruity...

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